Our Sponsors
We promote advocacy for the Inclusion of sports and play for all children
Innovations and Technology for physical well-being
Inclusive Sports and Fitness Inc. believes that children have right to engage and participate in activities that facilitate physical, emotional, cognitive, and social development. Lack of participation in mainstream activities such as recreational sports, can be detrimental to child development. Play is a medium for health and wellness. Children who are marginalized, alienated, and deprived of play opportunities are also denied opportunities to develop.

First Responder's Day at the ISF Camp
A huge thank you to our area 1st Responders for attending our summer camp and familiarizing our athletes with their role in rescues and law enforcement. What a great day! Ensuring children and young adults with special needs are comfortable with first responders is critical should a lifesaving situation arise. The first responders not only provided equipment and instruction, they also participated in the fun! Check out our video thank you.